Amplify and PeakImages Facebook Business page – an attempt to better integrate my social marketing

I’ve been struggling with Facebook pages for a while, and had just decided to give up on the @PeakImages “business” page, which seems to be little more than a duplication of my personal page which doesn’t automatically get posted to, when Andy of GearWeAre explained how to get things to post automatically to it with an @ symbol before the name – hopefully this should post this to it.

And enlightened by that, I’ve decided to try out one of the auto-posting bits of software for wordpress so my posts here automatically get tweeted and facebooked… Fingers crossed this will be a help rather than a hindrance – I’ve already discovered it auto-reposts on updating any post, which isn’t great when you discover a typo, or dates etc change 🙁 But it’s probably a small price to pay for my blogs actually getting onto twitter and FB automatically, rather than if I remember to go and click the “Add to…” link on the post!