Wow, I just won an award for designing and developing a website! The Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild (OWPG) have just announced their 2020 Awards for Excellence, and I’ve picked up their Digital Award, which is sponsored by Cordee.

Not for this website of course. The irony is that I’ve been badly neglecting my own site while the OWPG one has taken up so much of my time…
But to get such recognition of my efforts from this award (plus the really kind comments on both mine and the official OWPG FB posts about it, saying how the website is appreciated by guild members) is really astonishing to me! I had hoped it might have a chance, but with all the amazing sites out there, I truly believed someone else would come up with something so unbelieveably awesome that they would beat me on this!
Many thanks to both the judges for their stunning comments which included:
“The new OWPG website is the product of Chiz Dakin’s outstanding talent and sustained hard work. Not only does it have great visual appeal, making generous use of her own images, but also it is a technical tour de force.”
Some of the comments made by the OWPG Digital Awards Judges, read out at the online awards ceremony, Nov 7 2020.
But to be honest, I just wanted to do something to help the guild improve it’s offering to members. Having developed this site and Gritstone Publishing’s one ( I believe I have some basic technical skills. Which would help me project manage any professional development project for the OWPG site. It was only when we were quoted astronomical costs for that professional rebuild, that I realised there was only two options left to us. Either go for a 1 page very simple site, or put significant effort into doing what I could myself.
I’m still amazed my efforts worked out, but it was an enjoyable project, despite the challenges! But mostly I’m really glad it’s worked out to be of benefit and use to OWPG members and perhaps even encourage some writers, photographers, illustrators, bloggers etc out there to join the guild.
Now, about this website of my own…. (Sigh – I fear this is an issue of cobblers kids shoes…) One day I will follow through on even 5% of my plans for it!